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Willem Gravesande's Monumental Oversight



In 1730 a.d. the physicist Willem Gravesande made an incredible amendment to Isaac Newton's pure and true energy equation as he changed Isaac's equation from

E = mv  into its (half) correct form of  E = mv2


In 1730 a.d.  Willem Gravesande  began conducting an experiment in which he would drop a lead ball from varying heights into a bed of soft clay.  From these varying heights the ball would then obtain different velocities into the clay surface.

It's very important to note here that when a ball falls to the ground, the physical equation that represents a ball going from zero velocity to hitting the ground is represented by; one factor of Mass, one factor of Acceleration, and one factor of Time.

Mr. Gravesande discovered that a ball with two times the velocity would leave an indentation in the clay that was four times as deep, and a ball with three times the velocity would leave an indentation nine times as deep, etc.  Mr. Gravesande then shared these results with Emilie du Chatelet who then amended Mr. Isaac Newton's true energy equation of  E = mv  as she then gave the revised version to the world in the form of  E = mv2



We need to start with a simplified sketch of Willem's famous experiment along with the one true equation for Energy derived on


Energy = mA2Z2


A = Acceleration       Z = Time       AZ = Velocity       AZ2 = Distance



From the numbers in the above diagram we can now certainly see that E=mv2 is also equal to E=mxAxAZ2.  And in fact the AZ2 equation is actually more realistic because when witnessing the physical experiment we can certainly see the ball falling a Distance whereas we definitely cannot physically see any form of Velocity2.

And one of the most important things that we need to realize is that both of these equations are "mathematical" equations.  They are not "physical" equations.  The reason the first equation is not physical is because it's impossible to see Velocity2 and the reason the second equation is not physical is because it contains two Acceleration of Gravity factors.  It's impossible to see Gravity2.  But here now is something even more important.  What you're about to read is the very  key  to the biggest advancement in the science of Physics in the last 105 years.


*  Most  Important  *


The "physical" equation of Willem's experiment is;

1)  Mass x Gravitational Acceleration x Time

m x A x Z

(Mass x Velocity)

The ball starts at zero velocity and then Accelerates downward for one second.

At the end of its Time factor the ball is fully prepared to do work (energy).



Whereas today's accepted "energy" equation of Willem's experiment is;

2)  Mass x Acceleration x Gravitationally Accelerated Distance

m x A x AZ2

(Mass x Velocity2)



We cannot say that a linear moving piece of mass which equals (Mass x Velocity) is equal to the equation (Mass x Time).  Equations must represent exactly what we see, therefore the above two equations must equal each other because the Energy of the falling action is contained  within exactly what is seen, the ball falling for one second.

And here's the important part;

The "A" for the Acceleration of Gravity (the ball falling) is already contained within the A of Isaac Newton's Velocity (AxZ).  This then forces the (m x A x Z) of the second equation (Gravesande's) to be equal to the m (Mass as we see it) of the first equation because the physical must equal the mathematical.

This then forces the m of the second equation to be ("Mass as we see it" divided by Velocity) Therefore the m in Willem Gravesande's amended equation must truly only be a compositional factor of the ball that we see.  Therefore we must re-define m and assign it as "q" which is (some type of Mass) or (quantum-Mass) that when multiplied by Velocity becomes "Mass as we see it".  Scientists for the last 105 years have been wrongly perceiving Willem Gravesande's "m" as being everyday Mass when it is not.  And you can rest assured the error has far reaching consequences.  So the m in Mr. Gravesande's equation and the m in Mr. Einstein's equation now become q (quantum-Mass) and when q is multiplied by Velocity it becomes our everyday Mass.  This is also why electricity is the Acceleration of quantum-Mass (Electricity = qc2) and why light is seen when dealing with Electricity.




And you can very easily prove this to yourself by simply looking at the numerical entries in the chart below.  The numbers represent 5 different examples of the one same experiment that was performed by Willem Gravesande in 1730 a.d.

Not only do all the values prove correct but we can easily see that Mass x AZ is certainly the equation that Willem should have given us.  But instead, not realizing that Velocity2 does not pertain to the "entire Mass" of the ball (only the "quantum-Mass" portion) we can easily see how Willem then proceeded to make the oversight.

The fact that the "numerical" results for E=mv2 always equals E=mxAxAZ2 yet because the physical reality of the experiment (what we actually see) is (E=Mass x Acceleration x Time) the mxAxZ must then = "Mass as we see it".  And so it's quite easy to understand how it was that Mr. Gravesande was led astray.



5  Examples of Gravesande's Famous Experiment

( For simplicity, the Acceleration of Gravity has been placed at  3 m/s2 )

Scenario # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5
Mass (kg) 1 1 1 1 1
Acceleration (m/s2) 3 3 3 3 3
Falling Time (s) 1 2 3 4 5
Impact Velocity (m/s) 3 6 9 12 15
Velocity2 (m2/s2) 9 36 81 144 225
Falling Distance (m) 1.5 6 13.5 24 37.5
AZ2 (m) 3 12 27 48 75
Energy (kgm2/s2) 9 36 81 144 225
E =   Mass x Velocity2     Mass x A x 2(Falling Distance)  =    Mass x Acceleration x AZ2
Important note :    Acceleration x Falling Distance = Velocity2 divided by 2.



In 1730 a.d. Willem Gravesande (the man who gave us E=mv2) was led astray by one of the most unique anomalies in all of physics history. This anomaly, which is beyond monumental, is what then caused Mr. Gravesande to make an oversight that will surely go down in history as being the largest scientific miscue ever.


This is the incredible anomaly;


Mass and Gravity are both composed of quantum-Mass.

(The Mass that Gravesande dropped was both composed of and pushed downward by quantum-Mass.)


The answer to Einstein's 30 year search of how Gravity is connected to Energy is found in the very fact that quantum-Mass is both pushing us down (Gravity) as well as being a building block of Mass.  This is why Willem Gravesande did not notice that v2 only pertains to a portion of his "m" because Gravity and his "m" both share the common factor of quantum-Mass.

Willem Gravesande noticed two factors of Velocity in his calculations.  What he didn't realize at the time was that one of the factors was responsible for the downward motion of the ball but the other factor was hidden within the Mass of the ball.  Instead Willem simply figured that both of the factors of Velocity pertained to the energy of the "downward motion" of the ball.

And we need to realize that even though AZ2 (Acceleration x Time x Time) is the definition of Distance, it does not define the "Falling Distance" of the ball due to the fact that the average falling Velocity of the ball is only half the value of the final impact velocity. And so the total actual "Falling Distance" of the ball is only 1/2 the value of AZ2. This occurs because the ball starts out at zero meters/second and hits the clay at 3m/s with an overall average velocity of 1.5 m/s throughout a 1 second fall time. Hence the actual falling distance is 1.5 meters/second x 1 second = 1.5 meters whereas the distance value of AZ2 is 3 meters.


The Energy of a ball falling a distance     =     mV2

We witness that energy via exactly what we see and what we see is Mass x Acceleration x Time.

Therefore Mass x Acceleration x Time must     =     Mass  x  Velocity2

x  x  Z     =     m  x  AZ  x  AZ


x  x  Z     =     (mAZ)  x  AZ


(mAZ)  must  =  m

Hence we are forced to re-define "m" as "q" or quantum-Mass.



For energy to equal a piece of Mass falling a period of Time, the (mAZ) must certainly  =  "Mass as we see it" therefore;

The "m" in Willem Gravesande's E=mv2 absolutely cannot equal "Mass as we see it".  The "m" must be equal to a "factor" of Mass or Mass divided by Velocity.

Willem was keen to notice that the Energy of the ball was represented by Mass x Velocity2 however he did not focus on the fact that his mv2 was also "physically" represented by Mass x Acceleration of Gravity x Time, even though the latter equation represents exactly what we physically see.

In the diagram below we will see that the root of the Energy of the ball is actually the force of the quantum-Mass that is pushing the ball to the ground as seen in the left column of the diagram.

True Energy is defined as Mass x Velocity or quantum-Mass x Velocity2.  Willem Gravesande simply did not realize that his observations regarding Energy and Velocity2 was in connection only to the quantum-Mass portion of the ball and not its entire Mass.




The quantum-Mass that is pushing the ball to the ground is the root of the Energy as opposed to the movement of the mass-ball itself. This is paralleled by the same fact that a water wave pushes a surfer along the water.  The energy of the movement of the mass-energy of the surfer is in fact the water.  And so it is with Gravesande's falling ball, the energy of the falling ball is the quantum-Mass that is pushing the ball down.

The fact that Gravesande did not embrace the more physically true energy equation is the very reason why Velocity2 has been wrongly assigned to the complete Mass of the ball rather than just the quantum-Mass portion of the ball.  And this has been an error for the last 105 years.

E=mv2 gives a correct numerical result for Energy and this is the reason that the "m" has never been in question as to whether it represents "Mass as we see it" or its true representation of "quantum-Mass".  And so because Albert Einstein based his calculations upon Willem Gravesande's half correct equation, the "m" in Albert's E=mc2 also does not truly represent "Mass as we see it" but rather only mass divided by velocity or quantum-Mass.  The Energy of electricity or an atomic bomb is quantum-Mass moving at (the Velocity of Light)2.


A most amazing coincidence is that;


E = mv2

E = mc2

E = mass x Velocity


E = qc2

all give the same "numerical" answer for Energy however it's the very Physics that Mr. Gravesande made an error on.  As Willem witnessed the ball dropping into the clay he was comparing the depth of the crater to the Velocity that the ball had upon impact.  From the diagram below we can see the two separate factors that Willem could have used to relate to the depth of the crater which represents the overall energy of the ball.  He could have used quantum-Mass times;


1.  The Velocity of the ball squared.

(Acceleration x Time)2  or  (AZ)2  or  A2Z2




2.  The Acceleration of Gravity  x  Twice the Distance the ball falls.

(A x AZ2)



Neither Gravesande nor Einstein would have had any reason to consider quantum-Mass as being involved with their calculations.  And yet when we visualize the pressure of Light in the diagram below as being the Force responsible for the downward movement of the ball we can easily see how this monumental oversight has gone unnoticed for 105 years.


(The Acceleration in the diagram is placed at  3 m/s2  in order to provide easier calculations.)



When you look at the above numbers for "Impact Velocity" and compare them to the numbers for "Total Energy" you can easily see how Willem derived his  E=mV2  equation.  And what you can also see is the fact that the Mass of the falling ball is not truly represented by (m) but rather by m/AZ = q.  This  m/AZ  is not everyday-Mass as we see it but rather quantum-Mass.  An entity that becomes Mass when multiplied by Velocity.

q x Velocity = Mass as we see it.


Willem Gravesande's Energy equation should have been written as;


E  =  Mass  x  Velocity


(q-particle x Velocity = m = Mass as we see it)


Energy  =  q-particle  x  Velocity  x  Velocity


Energy  =  q-particle  x  c2  moving toward the center of the earth
causing the ball which would naturally be floating in space
to then fall to the ground.


Notice the above connection between E=mc2 and Gravity that Albert spent 30 years searching for.  The very equation of Gravity (q-particles moving downward at c2 divided by a piece of Mass (qAZ) gives us the Acceleration of Gravity (A) and Time (Z).


divided by  Mass as we see it (qAZ)

=  Acceleration of Gravity (A) and Time (Z)


Had Albert not been misled by Gravesande's error he would have left the world with the only two exact and true equations for Energy;


E = Mass x Acceleration of Gravity x Time

E = Mass x Velocity

E = mAZ






E = Mass x Velocity

E = quantum-Mass x c2

E = qc2






Gravity  "is"  Energy


It's most incredible that Albert Einstein searched and searched for how Gravity is connected to Energy not realizing that Gravity "is" Energy.  When we look at the big picture and realize that the sun gives off Energy (Light x Heat) and if the sun is what creates Gravity then it only makes sense that Gravity should be Energy.

It's important to understand the exact physical realities of Newton's energy (mxV).  In the image below we can see how Mass x Velocity is equal to Gravity.  Gravity (not just Acceleration) but the Pressure of Light x Volume.  It's a proven fact that Pressure x Volume = Energy.  Pressure is Force/Area and Volume is Distance3.  When you multiply the two you get kgm2/s2 (energy).  And so when we compare the Mass x Velocity of Gravesande's falling ball with the "cause" and "results" of the ball falling, we can see how they are equal.




1.  The image on the left displays the ball falling.

2.  The image in the middle displays the Mass moving a Distance.

3.  The image on the right displays the Cause and Result of the energy.


And because Pressure x Volume = Energy, and the crater from the ball is defined as Volume, this then demands that the physical origin of Gravity must = the Pressure of Gravity or the Pressure of quantum-Mass coming from the sun.  And of course this is absolutely true due to the fact that the "Pressure of Light" (Gravity) has it's origin in;

A.  The sun     B.  Light from the sun     C.  The frequency of Light

The sun (combustion) x Light x Frequency2 = the "Pressure" that causes the ball to be pushed down and thus create the Volume (crater) in the soft clay.


An extremely interesting fact;


For anyone who has ever wanted to know the "exact" physical reason why the "v" inside E=mv2 is squared, if you look at the above left image you can see that when the ball falls, until the moment it touches the clay surface it is defined as "Mass x Acceleration x a period of Time".  However the very millisecond that it touches the clay it then begins to decelerate for another period of Time.  Deceleration is also represented by "A".  Therefore we now have a piece of Mass that Accelerates for a period of Time (m x A x Z) and then as it decelerates it obtains one more factor each of Acceleration and Time = m x AZ x AZ = mV2.


However  !


Due to the fact that whether a moving object is speeding up or slowing down, those multiple factors of Acceleration and Time are the same "one" factor of Acceleration and "one" factor of Time.  Therefore the m x A x Z x A x Z of the falling ball is truly just m x A x Z = Mass x Velocity = quantum-Mass x c2.


Acceleration x Time2 (distance) cubed is equal to Volume and so if volume possesses Acceleration and mass is the only known thing (besides space) that possesses volume, that means that mass intrinsically possesses Acceleration.  And if the Acceleration factor within mass would be meaningless if it did not endure for a period of time then mass already contains Acceleration x Time (Velocity).  So if mass already contains velocity then the true energy equation is not mass x velocity squared but rather exactly as Isaac Newton declared  " Mass x Velocity ".


E = mass x velocity

E = qAZ x AZ


E = qc2






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