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 New   Discovery  !


Pressure  x  Volume  =  Electricity


(June 15 / 2010   the above equation could not be found on the internet.)


The physicist  Robert Boyle  thought that

Pressure   x   Volume   =   a  "Constant".


For the simple reason that Robert had no means of detecting the Electricity that he was generating when he was applying Pressures to the Volumes of gases that he was working with.




The units for Pressure are

Newtons / Area     or     Force / Distance2     or     mA / A2Z4


kg / ms2




And the units for Volume are

Cubic Meters     or     Distance3     or     A3Z6






When you multiply


kg / ms2     x     m3


you get the units of  Kilograms Meters2 per Second2


kgm2 / s2


These are the units for  Electricity.

Pressure  x  Volume  creates  Electricity.

When pressure is applied to the Cartesian Diver



the pressure causes the diver to descend.

The  Pressure  changes the  Gravity  of the diver.

Pressure   x   Volume   =   Electricity.

So if Pressure is a part of Electricity and Pressure changes Gravity,

then by pure association   Gravity  is a part of Electricity.

And this is exactly what is proven by the Mathematics throughout


For  30 years Albert Einstein struggled to connect Gravity to Electricity.


The struggle is over.

The Unification of Gravity and Electricity is now history.



Boyle's Law of Pressure

p x V = k

Pressure  x  Volume  =  a Constant


Since the discovery of the Unification of Gravity we now realize that all  "Constants"  are actually mathematical band-aids that are used in order to contend with the errors that stem from previous erroneous calculations regarding Gravity.  This includes Faraday's Constant, Coulomb's Constant, Planck's Constant, Bohr's Constant, the Gravitational Constant, etc. and of course Robert Boyle's Constant.

What the British physicist Robert Boyle did not realize was that his Pressure x Volume was actually generating Electricity.  And understandably so because he was dealing with gases and there was no real way for him to observe the electricity that was being generated when he was experimenting with Pressure being multiplied by a Volume of gas.  Plus the giant fact that Mr. Boyle would not have known that the Electricity generated in all his measurements would be that of  Mass Expansion x Distance.

Pressure is Force being applied to an area or the amount of Force that each segment of that area is feeling.  The SI units for Pressure are  Newtons / Area  or  Force / Distance2  which is also written as  mA / A2Z4  or  m / AZ4  (Mass divided by Velocity x Time3).

And the SI units for Volume are  Meters3  or  (AZ2)3  or  A3Z6

And so when we multiply  Pressure x Volume  we get;


(Newtons / Area) x Meters3 = NewtonMeter


Force x Distance3 = Force x Distance


KgMeter/Second2 x Meter3 = kgm2/s2


mA x A3Z6 = mA2Z2





The reason that the above has not been made widely known is because just like Einstein's limited understanding of energy (hidden by the half correctness of his equation) Robert Boyle's equation is also hiding a much larger reality.  Below is an image of Boyle's experiment as it states that when the Pressure of the gas goes up the Volume goes down.  And this is all fine but this apparatus actually hides the fact that Boyle's Constant  "k"  is actually Electricity.



If Robert would have placed a helium capsule within his apparatus using gas, he would have had an exact parallel display of what we see below in the classic physics apparatus of the  Cartesian Diver.





To understand Pressure and Electricity we need to realize that a Magnetic Field around a nail causes the nail to become Magnetic.  And this only happens because the Expansion rate (A) of the nail is suppressed (squeezed) by the Magnetic Field, slowing it down.

In the image below when electricity is run through the wire the Magnetic Field that is produced around the nail then squeezes the Expansion Acceleration of the nail and it becomes an Electro-Magnet.  The squeezing of the electricity is the exact parallel to the hand squeezing the bottle of the Cartesian Diver except with the diver the (A) factor of the air is being lessened rather than the (A) factor of the nail.



The wire wrapped around the nail results in a Magnetic Field  around the nail and is seen as a force that the field is exerting upon the nail.  In the same way, pressure can be viewed as your hand being wrapped around and squeezing the nail just like the way that the Magnetic Field puts a Pressure upon the nail.  As the nail is compressed it becomes magnetic because it is now Expanding at a slower rate than any piece of metal that now sticks to it.


A magnetic field is   m / AZ3

A pressure field is   m / AZ4


m = Mass          A = Expansion Acceleration          Z = Time.


The Pressure exerted upon the bottle and so around the diver is decreasing the Expansion Acceleration rate (A) of the diver and it then sinks.  You could also say that the diver's relative Temperature (AxZ) is decreased and then just like a descending hot air balloon, the diver descends.  Hot air does not move downward because of its cooling Temperature but rather because of its lessening (A) value  "within"  its Temperature (AxZ).  Unlike Boyle's apparatus, the Cartesian Diver is an incredible window into Gravity and Electricity and so we need to view these two separate apparatuses from the completely separate dimensional views that they afford us.

Below is one of the biggest visual concepts that you will ever need in order to fully understand Gravity.



Imagine two cars on this treadmill side by side.  The treadmill is moving at 100 km/hr.  Now when one of the cars begins to slowdown what will we see the car as doing ? ?  The car will look to us as though it is moving backwards but is it really moving backwards ?  It's wheels are turning forward yet to us it is moving backwards.  If the treadmill were to suddenly stop, the car's true forward motion would immediately appear.

Newton's Apple and the Cartesian Diver are not moving downward.  The Expansion Acceleration of all Mass in the universe is moving forward and both the apple and the diver's (A) values are simply  "slowing down"  in comparison.  When you squeeze the bottle of the Cartesian Diver you are in fact  "suppressing the Gravity" of the diver.  If you can wrap your head around that you will be well on your way to seeing the realities behind countless other pure Physics truths.

Robert Boyle's apparatus can be considered a 2 dimensional display whereas the Cartesian Diver is a 3 dimensional view.  The only way we can see Electricity in Robert's apparatus is by multiplying the units of the apparatus.  Pressure x  Volume (kgms2 x m3 = Electricity).  However in the Cartesian Diver if you imagine all of the objects, the diver, the bottle, the water, and your hand.  If you imagine all of them expanding equally at 9.8 m/s2  (because that is exactly what is happening) then as Pressure is applied to the bottle it simply causes the Gravity of the air in the diver (the Expansion Acceleration of that air) to decrease.  Pressure is the opposite of Gravity (Expansion) because the Gravity (A) within the very equation of Pressure is in the denominator.

Pressure   =   m / AZ4.

And how much more logical could this be seeing that the equation for the Magnetic Field that applies electrical pressure upon the nail is  m / AZ3.  So as the diver is suppressed the rest of the objects then continue to expand as they always do and this appears to us as what we then define as "sinking".  The bottle, the water, the hand, all continue to Expand  "past" the now suppressed diver.  The Cartesian Diver is a fantastic window into the realm of Expansion Acceleration (Gravity) just like our previous Scramjet is a window into the separate realm of Velocity.

Pertaining to Boyle's limited apparatus we can see in the diagram below that Pressure x Volume is like being on a child's see-saw.  When the Electrical value remains the same by calling it a Constant and the Pressure goes up then Volume goes down, vice-versa.


Boyle's Apparatus

Pressure   x   Volume   =   a  Constant

m / AZ4   x   A3Z6   =   k



m / AZ4

↑ ______________ ↓




When Pressure goes up Volume goes down and vice-versa.  But because the (A) in Pressure is in the denominator the very definition of Pressure is Gravity decrease.  The exact reason the diver sinks.


However in the more complex Cartesian Diver because Pressure x Volume = Electricity, when Pressure increases Electricity moves out in the form of the air Mass contracting. With the example of the levitating COIL (see video) the Electricity is moving into the coil and we see the coil move upwards because of an increase in its (A) value.  In the diver the Electricity is moving out of the diver (the air bubble) in the form of Mass contraction.  Whether Mass expands or contracts they are both the most pure and basic form of Electricity.  Electricity is the change in the Expansion Acceleration of Mass.


The Cartesian Diver

Pressure   x   Volume   =   Electricity

m / AZ4   x   A3Z6   =   mA2Z2



m / AZ4

↑ ______________ ↓




When Pressure goes up Volume goes down and vice-versa.  But the net difference is the change in the Expansion Acceleration of Mass which = Electricity.  Electricity makes things move.  Electricity causes Magnetism.  We can also view the diver moving towards the bottom of the bottle as being a Magnetic attraction of the diver to the bottom of the bottle.


Through the window of the bottle we actually see the water Expanding past the diver.  We need to remember that just like the fact that Newton's apple is not falling, the diver is not moving down rather the bottle, the water, and your hand is Expanding past it.  But what is really happening is that all Mass in the universe is moving past the  "floating in space"  diver and this just causes the diver to  "appear"  as though it's sinking.  Prior to the diver sinking it is on the treadmill of Gravity as in the car image above but we are unable to see this because we also are  "within"  the Expansion Acceleration of Mass.

The production of Electricity inside the bottle is not in a form that we commonly understand but rather in its purest form which is a change in the Acceleration of Mass.  This may confuse some because in the past electricity has always been thought of as the movement of electrons however that error is only due to the fact that the Expansion Acceleration of Mass has been hidden just like bacteria being the cause of infection was hidden prior to Antony Van Leeuwenhoek.

Take close note of this;  Acceleration x Time  is commonly known as  Velocity and uncommonly known as  Temperature.  We readily think of large objects possessing Velocity but we do not readily think of that Velocity as being the same exact entity that gives quantum particles Temperature even though Velocity  "is"  Temperature.  And likewise we see the physics regarding the Cartesian Diver as being all about Buoyancy or Relative Density or Specific Gravity and not all about it's true core subject which is Expansion Acceleration, the "A" within  A x Z.


A x Z  =  Velocity  or  Temperature.


The reason that scientists today give for the rise and fall of the diver is strictly a  "Buoyancy"  or  "Relative Density"  reason.  We have not yet understood that it is strictly and completely a  "Personal Gravity Value"  reason.

A perfect analogy of this can be seen when we think about renaissance times and their war machines throwing large boulders against castle walls.  Back through time we can easily see the evolution of physics terms.  Here are three in order of discovery that would have been used;


1.   1,000 b.c.   First catapults built -  The bigger the stone the more it will destroy.

2.   1700 a.d.   Isaac Newton defines Momentum -  The bigger the stone and the faster it is propelled the more it will destroy.

3.   1730 a.d.   Willem Gravesande defines Energy -  The bigger the energy (E=mv2) that the stone possesses the more it will destroy.


And so likewise today we look at the Cartesian Diver and the most common physics term that we apply to it is "Buoyancy" because buoyancy is all that physics until now has been able to see.  The term buoyancy is parallel to that first renaissance term.  Buoyancy is a very primitive term that does not at all portray the depth of the physics involved.  The true underlying Electrical-Magnetic-Gravitational reality of the physics of buoyancy has not been made commonplace yet.  Pressure x Volume = Electricity.  And Electricity  "moves"  things.


If we just take a look at the equation for Pressure we'll immediately realize that Gravity, Velocity, and Time, are present within Pressure.

Pressure   =   m / AZ4

Mass divided by Velocity x Time3


And Velocity = Gravity x Time.  And Electricity = Mass x Gravity2 x Time2.  So if you look at the equation for Pressure  m/AZ4  you will plainly see that it revolves around  (A)  which is Gravity, the Expansion Acceleration of Mass.

The movement of the Cartesian Diver is exactly equal to the movement of a hot air balloon rising and falling.  Remember that the air in a hot air balloon does not rise because it is hot but rather because the (A) portion of the air Temperature (A x Z) is increasing.  The proper physics definition is;


Particles rise when their (A) rises, and when their (A) rises then and only then their Temperature rises.


The only difference between the Cartesian Diver and the hot air balloon is that the water in the bottle is a thicker form of the air that surrounds the hot air balloon.

Robert Boyle did not realize that  Pressure x Volume = Electricity.  Robert did not realize that when you squeeze the Cartesian Diver that you are in fact generating Electricity.  Electricity is a change in the Expansion of Mass.

We can use three easy forms of buoyancy to help us understand Gravity but first we need to fully realize that buoyancy is all about Velocity (AxZ) and Velocity is all about Gravity (A).  The first buoyancy is Mass buoyancy.


1.  A piece of Mass is placed within Mass.

A particle of Mass is placed within a litre of water (also being Mass) and the particle then either remains in the middle of the water or it will move upward or downward.


2.  A piece of Velocity is placed within Velocity.

The second buoyancy is Velocity buoyancy.  Upon a downward moving treadmill (constructed on a downward incline), if you place a toy car whose wheels are moving at a Velocity, the car will then either stay in the middle of the treadmill or it will move upward or downward.


3.  A piece of Acceleration is placed within Acceleration.

The third buoyancy is Acceleration buoyancy.  The same toy car is now placed upon the same treadmill that is now Accelerating downward.  Again the car (whose wheels are now accelerating) will either stay in the middle of the treadmill or it will move upward or downward.  In all three scenarios the object is displaying buoyancy.


The Cartesian Diver is a display of  "all three"  buoyancies.

Mass, Velocity (Temp), and Acceleration (Gravity).


The problem that we have today is that we do not see the water Expanding past the diver in the same way that we plainly accept the movement of the treadmill.  Fifty years from now the Expansion of Mass will be just another story like the one that we now tell regarding Galileo as he declared that the earth is not flat.

When a river flowing downstream is squeezed together the result is Pressure and when that Pressure is divided by the Density of the water the result is Acceleration (the water moving faster).



Let's put this scenario into Mathematical terms.

Water (Mass x hidden Expansion = mA)  x  Distance down the river =

mA  x  AZ2  =  Energy

(flowing water  "is"  Energy)


Flowing Water  x  Narrowing of river (inverse volume)  =  Pressure

mA2Z2  x  1/A3Z6  =  m/AZ4  =  Pressure


That Pressure dived by the Density of the water  =  the water moving faster.

Pressure divided by Density  =  Velocity2 (water moving faster)

m/AZ4  /  m/A3Z6  =  (AZ)2  =  Velocity2


And there you have the Mathematics of the narrowing of a river.


Newton's Apple is the exact same as the Cartesian Diver

or a descending hot air balloon.


If you haven't already read the section on Newton's Apple you really need to do so before you continue.  Because what you are about to realize regarding the small object of the Cartesian Diver is that it is exactly the same as Newton's apple.  Isaac Newton's apple did not move.  Electricity (the Expansion Acceleration of Mass) was moving  "past"  it.  This is a hard concept for some folks to grasp however seeing our universe for exactly what it is is far more valuable than living within doubt and error.

Galileo became famous for finding a way to study Gravity and he did this by realizing that a falling ball can be made to  "slow down"  or to enter suspended animation by taking the same ball and simply rolling it down a long ramp.  When the ball rolls down the ramp it becomes the exact same thing as the ball falling in slow motion.  And if we apply the information from Newton's Apple to the ramp we will then realize that the ball is not really rolling down the ramp but that the earth and the ramp are Expanding past the stationary rolling ball.

This then brings us to the Cartesian Diver.  Is the descending diver really sinking to the bottom of the bottle ?  Absolutely not.  The diver is floating in the water (the same as Newton's apple floating in space) and the water is Expanding past it.  A hot air balloon floating just above the surface of the earth is Expanding at the same rate as the earth.  The hot air in the balloon is defined by the Temperature of the air which we know is simply an electrical display of the  A x Z  of the heated air.  The (A) of the heated air is the same as the Gravity of the earth and the (Z) of the heated air is the same as the Orbit Time of the earth.  Therefore the balloon hovers just above the earth.

The natural (A) of the air that surrounds the earth is lower than the (A) of the earth and this is the fact that gives us Atmospheric Pressure.


Pressure is a very unique window.

Pressure can be used to expose the reality of Gravity.

Pressure is a physical entity that can reveal individual differences in the Expansion Acceleration of two particles of Mass.

Pressure actually highlights Gravity.


The water within the Cartesian Diver, if poured out, would fall to the ground because it has a lesser Expansion rate than the earth.  If you boil that water it then gains a higher Expansion rate and then moves upward as steam.  The diver sinking in the water can be defined as moving at a slower speed through Gravity-Time than the water is moving at.  It has a lesser AxZ and so is cooler and therefore is condensing to the bottom of the bottle.  When compared to the car treadmill above, the diver is moving backwards in Gravity-Time by just slowing down.  Hence the diver sinks.





If we attach a Volume of air to a metal ball using a one meter piece of string and then drop the ball into some deep water, the ball will Accelerate through the water until the Volume of air causes a buoyancy force of resistance (Friction).



And we can see that using the elements of the one true Energy equation  E=mA2Z2  that all of the parameters of the equation of the sinking ball are fulfilled via Mass, Gravity, and Time.






The Unification of Gravity with Einstein’s  E=mc2

was discovered by




See the complete and amazing story at

www. EinsteinGravity .com



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